Benefits for Artists
LAHF members are invited to an artist talk to examine the impact on artists' practice of residencies in hospitals.
Malcolm Glover, a photographer who has undertaken numerous hospital residencies has just completed a residency with the support of the Max Reinhardt Charitable Trust and Paintings in Hospitals who selected Glover as the recipient of the third Alexandra Reinhardt Memorial Award.
An exhibition of Malcolm Glover's work is being staged at the Menier Gallery, Menier Chocolate Factory, London from the 4th to the 15th March.
The talk will take place at 5.30pm on Wednesday 5th March and will feature Malcolm Glover and Stuart Davie, Director of Paintings in Hospitals. The event is designed to look at the ways in which artists can work in healthcare settings and to explore the opportunities for artists to develop work in this way.
The event will include an opportunity to see the exhibition and to network informally with artists and arts in health practitioners.
For more information or to register interest, e: Damian@lahf.org.uk
Art Into Life
LAHF members are invited to a free taster session of the outreach programme run by Tate Modern. This event will include an introduction to Tate Modern's outreach programme led by Liz Ellis, Curator of the Community Programme followed by introductions to the gallery's collection led by artist educators.
Tate Modern runs this regular outreach programme for community groups attracting a wide range of adult groups from non-formal education, social and health settings. This event will offer LAHF members a sense of how the programme works and an opportunity to debate the ways in which programmes like this can integrate with other arts in health activity in London.
The event will take place on Wednesday 12th March from 10.30am - 1pm. Places are strictly limited and must be booked in advance.
For more details contact Damian Hebron: Damian@lahf.org.uk
Art Therapy And The Arts
LAHF is hosting a half day seminar in conjunction with the British Association of Art Therapists on 8th April to look at the ways in which arts therapists and artists working in healthcare settings can share knowledge and benefit from each other's experiences.
The event will include presentations from artists with experience of working in hospitals and other settings as well as arts therapists and will also include panel discussions and informal opportunities to network with colleagues and to exchange ideas. Confirmed speakers include Norma Daykin.
For more information, please contact Damian@lahf.org.uk
US Conference
‘Embracing Our Past, Shaping Our Future: 21st Century Innovations' is the title of the annual conference of the Society for the Arts in Healthcare, which will take place from April 16th - 19th in Philadelphia.
For more information, visit: www.thesah.org
Memorial Fundraiser
I'd like to teach the world to sing... is a one-off concert to celebrate the memory of singing coach Ian Adam, a world-famous singing coach who sadly died at Royal Brompton in 2007 after a short illness.
His last professional role was to train Helena Bonham-Carter and Johnny Depp for their roles in the Sweeney Todd, and over 50 stars of stage and screen will be performing at the concert, including Jeremy Irons, Helena Bonham Carter, Elaine Paige and Sir Roger Moore.
It will take place on Sunday February 24th at Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket. To book tickets please call 0844 412 4657, making sure you quote ‘RBH Supporter' or go to this seetickets site
For more info, e: arts@rbht.nhs.uk
NHS Funding Leads
The NHS has published a page of funding leads offering examples of organisations which offer funding to a variety of health and social enterprises. The website also offers advice on the legal issues involved in establishing social enterprises.
Please visit: www.networks.nhs.uk/185.php
The Other Side of Waiting
The Other Side of Waiting is a collection of interwoven artworks generated with and for people using the new Mother and Baby Unit at the Homerton University Hospital.
The initiative is being led by taking place, a group of women artists and architects who have collaborated since 2000 on a range of projects exploring questions of gender and spatial practice.
The Other Side of Waiting proposes 6 artworks connected by the critical and practical issues that affect the spaces and processes of giving birth. Each intervention will use different forms of engagement and participation with hospital users and staff to develop the work.
Evaluation Required
Theatre company, Lightning Ensemble, is bringing an innovative performance project, entitled The Chess Players to St George's Hospital in South London, for two weeks in April and is seeking someone to carry out an evaluation of the project.
Developing a pilot project from last November, the performance engages patients with a combination of performance and chess playing, and develops a pilot project, produced in November at St George's last year.
This is a modestly budgeted project with a £350 fee for an evaluation; so expectations are for a relatively succinct report. For more information, e: sarah.weatherall@virgin.net
Dance as a Resource
Creative Capital is mounting an event to provide information on how dancers' skills can be used as a resource for the health and education sectors.
The event will be run twice taking place in Tower Hamlets on Monday 25th February at Toynbee Hall, at 3.30pm and again as part of the Redbridge Dance Festival on Thursday 6th March at The Gloucester Room, Ilford Central Library, at 6.30pm.
Speakers include: Carolyn Roy, Chisenhale Dance Space, Naz Karim, Akademi South Asian Dance and Kiki Gale, East London Dance.
The event is free, to book or for more information, e: info@creative-capital.org.uk
Dance Workshops
Chisenhale Dance Space is hosting a series of workshops based on the current residency of American dance artist, Doran George.
The residency, which is looking at themes of dance, ritual and bereavement, will culminate with a symposium at Queen Mary, University of London on Saturday March 14th and Sunday March 15th.
Bringing together experts in bereavement care, dance, and other relevant professions the symposium is designed to consider how performance can be a catalyst and vessel for emotional recovery. Speakers include Patricia Repar founder and director of Arts-in-Medicine at University of New Mexico (US), Mary O'Donnell Fulkerson and Robert Pacitti.
The workshops will take place on weekends leading up to the symposium.
For more information, visit: www.chisenhaledancespace.co.uk/interface.htm
Loans Sought
The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust is trying to make contact with artists willing to loan work for a new Treatment Centre which is currently under construction at the Middlesex hospital site.
For more information, e: tony.valentine@useful.co.uk
City of One
Myrtle Theatre Company's City of One, a play with music performed by a cast of professional actors, musicians and a group of young people in the care of Bristol City Council, will be performed at the Abbey Community Centre, Great Smith Street, London SW1 on Thursday 21st February at 4pm and 6.30pm.
Tickets are free, for more information, e: info@myrtletheatrecompany.co.uk
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