Sunday, April 09, 2006

Medical Imaging and Art

Last week I spent three happy days in Leeds at the Association of Art Historians annual conference. On the last day I co-convened the student session and was pleased to find that the papers we had selected lived up to expectations. I was particularly taken by the penultimate paper which was concerned with the use of medical imaging technologies in art practice. It promised a lot and didn't disappoint. The two artists discussed were Gabriele Leidloff and Marc Didou.

Leidloff uses xray images to produce some simple but stunning ghostly images. In this instance the viewer is confused by the lack of skeleton since Leidloff used a porn doll as the subject here.

Marc Didou, on the other hand, uses drawings created from MRI scans to create his layered sculptures which surprise the viewer with their form. I found these fascinating but disturbing images to look at.


Anonymous said...

join in the art discussion and say what you think

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am Silvia Casini, the PhD student who did the presentation on Leidloff and Didou.
I am currently doing research on the use of medical imaging technologies in art practices at Queen's University in Belfast.
If anybody is interested in reading more on Leidloff, please click on
The enchanting world of Gabriele Leidloff: Imaging the unseen in between science and art

Anonymous said...

The enchanting world of Gabriele Leidloff: Imaging the unseen in between science and art: