Trauma Centre: Under The Knife NINTENDO DS, £30
While the classic board game Operation had you performing surgery with tweezers on a plastic patient with distinctly suspect internal organs (wishbone, spare ribs and butterflies in the stomach are all perplexingly absent from Grey's Anatomy), Trauma Centre refuses to back away from any medical detail, no matter how slight. Make incisions and injections, disinfect wounds, drain fluids, excise tumours, suture and place your bloodied extractions neatly into a dish as you treat injuries and try curing diseases - it's all in a day's simulated doctoring.
Using the DS touch screen and wielding your stylus as scalpel, syringe and even instrument of open heart massage, Trauma Centre's offbeat humour and unflinching use of complex medical terminology make it a curiosity that pulls you past the reams of text and occasionally brutally lumpy learning curve.
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