Previous winner: Solitude by Thelma John and Esther L. Pachuau, students at Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Global Health through Education, Training and Service (GHETS) is sponsoring a contest to design the front of our 2007 holiday greeting card. Any individual health professions student from any institution worldwide may submit either their own original artwork, or artwork created by children or youth from their communities. The individual student whose entry is selected by the judging panel will be awarded free student registration for The Network: TUFH conference in Belgium in September 2006. The winning design and information about the artist will appear on GHETS’ 2007 New Year’s greeting card, which will be sent to nearly 200 partners and donors worldwide. Packages of greeting cards will also be sold to raise money for GHETS and our international partners, so your artwork could be seen by hundreds of people!
All entries must be received by Friday June 16, 2006.
Drawings, paintings or other similar artwork in any medium (pen, pencil, paints, etc.) are acceptable. Entries should reflect general themes related to global community health, but should not include the name GHETS or holiday greetings (which will appear inside the card). The final size of the greeting card will be no larger than 13 cm x 20 cm, so your design should fit into this space, either horizontally or vertically. All entries should be original work, either of the student making the submission, or of another young person who has agreed to let you submit the artwork on his or her behalf. Students may submit more than one design, but all entries become the property of GHETS and will not be returned.
Please include the following information with each entry, on a separate sheet of paper:
Artist information: Full name, sex, age, and place of residence (city/town, country) Your information: Full name, name and location (city and country) of your school, email address, postal address and telephone number
Send your artwork via postal mail to:
GHETS 8 North Main Street, Suite 404 Attleboro MA 02703 USA
If you have questions, or if you would like information on how to submit your entry by email, please email info@ghets.org.
GHETS is a non-governmental organization based in the USA and a program development partner of The Network: TUFH. GHETS and The Network: TUFH have joined forces to promote strategies for change that address the health-related challenges of poor and underserved communities in developing countries.
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